Hi Everyone,
Yes, this is the information I was looking for, thank you! I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis, and that is what triggered the vitamin D testing and I also had the 24 urine collection looking for calcium (my daughter had this done and was diagnosed with hypercaclcuria) which will turn out fine I'm sure! My kidney's are in fine working order and don't spill calcium Yes, I'm also on the 50,000 once per week, for eight weeks and I've also heard so much about those with autoimmunes being low in Vitamin D and I always wondered if my joint pain was maybe just low D and nothing more, so maybe I will find out. At this point, I just want to get a handle on the osteoporosis, no doubt from the nasty MTX. I've stopped the MTX, and I'm hoping that it will end the horrid sun sensitivity as well. I also slather myself in sunscreen daily, SPF 80 or higher, and I still end up with a red rashy self Sj, I hope you don't have to stop your plaq, and can figure something out, it is such a wonder drug, I really miss taking it!
Hi Starfield, I never had any testing for vitamin levels and even while on the MTX all these years, my rheumy insists that it has nothing to do with my low red cell count, low B12 count, even though if I stop taking it and I have in the past, and had my CBC taken, my levels have gone right back up. Depending on which medications your husband takes it doesn't hurt for him to ask for a vitamin D test to see where he sits. In my case at a annual check up, I just happened to ask for a dexa-scan because I fit into some of the critera along with the medication (MTX) but not the age, (39)and that is how I found out, my bones were in danger. I've been having a lot of spine pain, and the month before I was in at the rheumy and I told him that I was having some awful spine pain and he dismissed it and said if it was still there in a few months we would look into it, but now that I've been diagnosed with osteporosis of the hips and spine, his nurse has called twice now because they have not recieved the results from my other clinic. It seems he is very concerned now. If your husband is getting worse be persistant, make sure his doctor knows the extent of his pain and takes appropriate action.