I start the new school year tommorrow, so my physically taxing job for the summer just ended. Mentally and emotionally, along with physically I am not ready for this year. I needed a break, I had two days. What did I do? Nothing. I feel bad about
that. I wanted to get the house in order, spend time with the kids,etc. I just didn't have the energy. My joints , and down my arms with the shooting and sharp stinging pain just enveloped me all last week. That's no excuse and I feel like i made it one.
I have my rhuemy app. on August 20(with the new one) and the new pr. is Aug. 23. I hope and pray they can help me. My husband said the other night that he is sad because I've gone downhill so far in the last year. He said he misses the vibriant, carefree, run around and still do more person I was. He just looked so sad. It made me feel bad, and guilty. just want some energy back, and to lose some of the pain. I know I probably won't be pain free, ever, just like most of you. I just want some of my life back. I sound like broken record everytime i get on here, I know. I'm sorry for that. I guess even though I dread going back tomm. I know I will either be taxed to the point of exhaustion, or have no strength to come to the key board to vent. WOW..even more of a pity party than I ever meant to go to. Thanks for letting me vent. Heather
In need of HUGS sent my way.