Have just seen your post (and on other thread). Am sorry you're suffering so. I have the exact same question as you so am glad you posted.
When it's really bad (i.e. shooting pain) the only time I'm in no pain is when I lie down. However, this seems to make the issue worse as the shooting pain is so intense when i do try to move.
One thing I find helps for overall maintence is taking tumeric daily. Obviously you'd need to ensure it wouldn't irriate your stomach as I see your other health issues.
Oh and I have been given a prescirption for celebrex but was told to take with caution as per my stomach (past colitis and currently ahve a jpouch).
I do put ice on my joints. Not sure if it really helps or just numbs the pain (if joint pain...shooting pain is still there).
I was given cortisone shots, but found the relief was short lived.
I've been told to try physio but have yet to do so as I don't have much personal time for appointments. And to be honest I'm a bit scared of PT of aggrevating things more.
For daily maintenance, i find taht I cannot sit for long periods of time. I have a desk job and am constantly standing. It's an issue when driving or in meetings.
One of my biggest issues is I have a daughter under 2 and lifting can aggrevate things, but I can't avoid lifting her.
I hope things get manageable for you. It's really tough living with this. I was always an active person but yet can't even do regular exercise anymore without paying for it the follwoing days. And even without exercsie, I'm in pain everyday. Not fun.