Hi Lu, I have been having hydrotherapy for about
2 years now. My rheumy considers it as important as the meds I take.
When i first started it was about 6 weeks before I noticed any improvement. They had me doing the walking, squats, climbing a step and back down, using noodles to push down with my legs and arms, swinging hips, cycling on the noode, lots of core strength balances...
After 6 weeks I noticed how much stronger my legs were. I went from going down stairs sideways as I couldn't fully bend my knees to walking normally downstairs. I can now manage to walk for half an hour without trouble. Plus when I went for my yearly bone density scan, she told me I'd grown a centimetre, at 51 she put it down to strength and being in less pain.
Now if I miss a session I notice it. If I'm flaring I still go but do more movement exercises than strength ones. It keeps my flexibility, my feet are bad right now and its a relief to be in that water. It did take weeks before I noticed any improvement so hang in there.
Regards golitho