I've been being treated for inflammation of my SI joints for years so I know well what that pain generally feels like. Over the last few months, I've had some really severe pain in the left SI joint. Much, much worse than I've ever had before. The strange thing is that the right side was always worse but recently the left has been unbearable. I'm scheduled for the 3rd injection in the left joint on Monday.
Suddenly yesterday I couldn't even stand from pain on the right side. This pain literally went from my spine, down the back of my leg to my knee and then down the outside of my leg to my ankle. I was standing when it started and it hur to stand, I couldn't walk and I couldn't bend. Trying to sit was excrutiating. I eventually had to bend my left side while keeping my right leg straight. I got my left cheek onto the seat and was then able to sit. The pain almost completely disappeared once I was sitting.
I've never had pain like this before and can't help but wonder if it's sciatica. Everyone I've ever known has told me that the only comfortable position with sciatica was laying down, but I got relief from sitting too.
Although the terrible pain seems to come and go, I'm still having a lot of pain in my knee. I'm wondering if anyone has had similar experiences with either sciatica or SI problems. Thanks for your input.