I'm getting really upset now. I am allergic to sulpha, which I tell all my doctors. When I got the prescription there was no print out with it so I have learned about the side effects etc from this forum and from researching the internet. When I asked my rheumy all she said was that she'd have to do regular blood work to check my liver counts and never mentioned any other side effects. Also didn't know that many antibiotics have sulpha so now willmake sure to let the dentist know that too. I swear they are all trying to kill me with these drugs!
Also, yesterday after a nice lunch out with my husband I started having stomach cramps and knew I wasn't going to make it home in time. Thank God my friend lives close by but I didn't quite make it to her bathroom either, had projectile diarrhea! I was only on the Arava about 6 days and off now for two.