Hello I am new to this forum, actually I have never joined one before, I am in my mid forties now and have suffered with sever RA. I was diagnosed when I was 30 starting with my right hand knuckle, it was sore for a few months, then one day I couldnt get out of bed and had pain on my ankles and feet like they were on fire. My family Doctor referred me to rhumotologist, did some tests and yes, I had RA. So just about a year ago, I was on all types of medication, none helped much and all I got was more problems especially respitory problems were my big concern. My rhumotologist then placed me on Humira, I inject myself every other week and at first for about 6mths no real change but it did help me with the fatigue greatly. I now have no pain I can say it was a miracle drug for me. Also I work out at the gym and feel awesome like I have my life back. :)