You’re Welcome Momto3. You’re certainly having a bad time of it. Do not worry. You have every right to whine. We all do sometimes. In case you didn’t notice, I stick my whines in other people’s posts when I need to.
Yes, I’ve had Type 1 D since I was dxd. at age 3. We didn’t get much help with info back then and for many years, so it was tough. But I’m okay with it for some time now since I know what I need to do for me. Yes! That Pred, especially high doses like 30 and 40 mgs. are hell for me while trying to control my sugars. Plus a lot more Insulin. I’ve been on just 10 and 7 gms. for quite some time now, so I can easily control it. The Medrol injections are bad for me for about the first 2-3 weeks. Then also easily controllable.
They did every test? That is amazing that they did not find something. But I think a person very well knows when something is wrong with their body. The Docters’ just haven’t figured it out yet. Keep at them and they most likely will. Everybody loves a mystery.
Lucky you. My hair fell out in handfuls when I was younger and on MTX, even without Pred. Now it just falls out little by little but it is still noticeable. Hey, we all differ in many ways. I use volumizer shampoo or conditioner and then I curl my hair so it looks like I have more. LOL! My Sis is the same as me that way.
Yes, I love blueberries and other fruits. Good anti-oxidants(and extra Insulin). I didn’t know they were an anti-inflammatory too. Nice! Thank you! I’m really happy that my inflammation is gone also. I hope that it stays away for some time.
I think my hubby used to get acid reflux a lot also. Is that bad burning in the tummy and chest and throat? If so, his Dr. prescribed Pantoloc for him and it works good.
Good job on the 2 lbs. It’s a start. Every pound lost is helpful towards your health.
Yes, Pred. is good but as we know, it’s also Bad unfortunately. Have a pleasant Friday Momto3.