Hi Guys Thanks, Enduroman i know what you mean i actually had a few years where i was fit and strong and actually Very strong (for a girl!) i used to change car tyre's with ease and i was a nurse used to physically run all day could lift a paitent without help so when i was in late 20's and this struck i lost all strength and independance i rode horses now cant even walk my dog hubby and i used to work on cars together seriously i tried to help a while ago and had to use 2 hands to pick up a spanner for him, now we dont even bother.
and hubby's my carer i see the strain on him he gets angry that nothing ever seems to get done i think he wants me to go to a doctor and them say here all fixed
i think the diesease is bad enough to deal with then the idiotic medical system just adds to it
you know i asked my GP why the specilist sugested i get a scan of my knee done by my rhumy but then Never gave me a request form to get it done he laughed and said because he dosn't want to deal with the results.
you know as time goes on and ive had this RA now --i think about 25yrs you get off shoot illnesses from either medications or just for the heck of it, i got osteoporosis from high doses of prednisone the prednisone kept me able to moove,i was told i'd be wheelchair after 10yrs,But it took longer,then i got heart problems not sure why, then i got Diabetes possibly from prednisone then i got cateracts from diabetes then had teeth rot from diabetes then got ulcer from MTX.
now the degenerative disc diesease and constant disc ruptures you can laugh for a while then you just get days where you just can't
i spend most of my time either in bed or in wheelchair i can walk short distance with a walker and feel like a granny people look at you as if you are not a person