Hi Guys
Just Too Sore, didnt sleep a wink last night.
if it wasn't my back it was my hip then my knee just couldnt sleep
i can handle the pain thru the day but at night it seems so much worse
hubby's asleep next to me and i dont want to wake or disturb him
and everytime i try to moove shooting pain then i lay still and pain burns in so i have to move
at one stage i had a torch and was rumaging thru my bedside drawer looking for Pills when he woke and
mumbles "you ok? go to sleep". ; ; Yeh i would have if i could
i am in a weird position as i just need Someone to Help and No one wants to know
i am considering trying to go see an Orthopedic surgen as some pain is from my RA but the Back pain is
Diffrent and they keep telling me its not from RA so the rhumatolohist can't help
what do i do just acept that i may never walk again that oh well its your back!
if there's anyone here from Australia has any ideas of who i can see i'm open to ideas
i know i may be making not much scence but i really dont know what to do im in PAIN 24/7