Thanks guys ii have a long wait don't go back to specialist till mid February i go to Rheumy end of this month so i might see if he can access the results
I think they over play the Shark thing its not that bad
one of our journalists put it very well when he said ;
"in Australia there were 3 deaths caused by sharks this year and the government is calling for action However there was 70 women killed by husbands or partners in Australia and no one says a thing."
I'd hate to see them killing these creatures for simply doing what they do,
after all they don't come into our homes, we go into theirs
i think the spiders and snakes will get you long before a shark dose
I used to live by the sea and while i was aware of them i wasn't afraid,
I'd sure like to be at the beach now but we are a Long way away 260ks (161miles) about
3.1/2 hours
and i don't travel very well these days so you could say 5hrs with breaks
looks like this heat is going to continue all week while its HOT here it is Hotter in some other parts of Australia they are having days Hotter than Ever Recorded here. and as we are in mountains we get Cool Nights but other places don't
and the weird thing is while i feel like Bler and No energy my Joints feel Good - in the day then as it cools they swell.
i was thinking of you all with that Polar Vortex Freeze over there Hope you were able to stay warm the weather has gone Crazy