We came home to Delaware after 3 months on Sunday night. It was only an hour later that I was going to bring the vacuum downstairs. Our neighbors must have let their dog jump on our bed with dirty paws. Andyways, I fell. I hit my back on the steps right where the screws are, and the heavy part of the vacuum landed on my ankle. The handle of the vac hit my hand. I went to the ER and they only x-rayed my back. The screws are fine, and today I can tell nothing is broken.
My entire ankle has swollen and is a nice maroon, and my back and bottom hurt from hitting the stairs. My hand and left shoulder really hurt, too. The knuckles on my left hand don't appear more swollen then they usually are, but my hand just hurts.
It's frustrating how much weaker I have become since I was diagnosed. I cannot grip things as well, and because of my hips and knees, I know I don't walk as well.
Has anyone else taken a bad spill and gotten hurt?