Hi Flopsie,
Oh gal, these old knees are just a mess. But, I have a little bit more of a serious problem going on right now. Really bad swelling, particularly in legs & feet, although is overall. My legs get so tight from all of the swelling that it hurts to try and walk on them. They are very sore to touch and so are my feet. I am having to waer flip flops, none of my shoes/sandals fit due to the swelling. I feel like the goodyear blimp if you want to know the truth. I am just miserable and get tired very easy because I am short of breath, I have not been able to use the machine because I can't stand for wrap thing to touch my skin. So, I have been paying for nothing. My plan is to contact them next week and tell them to stop charging my bank acct that I will be returning the unit. By the way, how are doing these days?
My pain mgt dr wants me to go see my cardiologist so we can find out if its my heart or the medication in my pump thats causing all of this swelling. My BP has been high too, cardio will not be happy over this, I already take 2 diff BP meds a day. You know I may have one day a week that I feel half way human, so naturally I try to get everything done in that one day, which puts me in bed for next 5-6. Speaking of, I need to go lay down for a bit. ill write more later. Lots of hugs & love coming your way, Susie