If I ever had to change professions, I think I would totally dig nuclear medicine! It's much more fun than an MRI or CT...LOL...only people who constantly are in a hospital or have disease could find humor in that statement . It was neat all the rotating films and machinery & the images on the computer screen too! all whacky colors.
It took an hour to go from head to toe, and then she repeated 2 areas near my ribs.
What was weird was where I had the most pain...seemed to be most prominant on the screen.
Is that what we were posting about "white spots" on Lipiapita's thread? I saw more illumination and brightness...but my knees and spine were really outstanding!
The tech also showed me what they look like in 3 other colors too. It was really interesting.
Not sick from the dye at all....in a lot of pain and tired, but didn't sleep last nite.
I wonder if it is better that I had this scan done while in a bad RA flare? Or should I have waited for when it settled down?
Also, what I saw on the screen in a close up looked like cobwebs? what's that? or sorts like what lymphnodes look like . The digital imagery is amazing.
Good or bad...medicine never ceases to amaze me. So maybe by the end of next week I'll have my follow up rheummy appt and find out what's up.
I just hope this doesn't confuse things and complicate things more than they are already.
What I want to hear is..."hey, you've got crappy knees and joints...keep on your meds..." What I don't want to hear is, "well, it's inconclusive lets investigate."
I hate "maybe's" and..."this looks interseting".
But I glowed like a glow worm...but then again anyone who lives around hear is probably already radioactive .