hey elcamino,
i understand too with the fertility issues. it's a tough call. you know, now i'm not by any means endorsing the idea, but it's been shown that people go into autoimmune remissions while pregnant! i was reading about a woman with tremdous RA and she got pregnant & went into a 10 year remission.
hope for us! if anything.
even with the Imuran i'm on, my doc is like...."you know make sure you don't get pregnant while taking Humira & Imuran, so be careful...." and i do know that with MTX even if you stop the MTX, you have to wait for it to kinda clear your system so it doesn't harm the fetus.
what decisions! geesh.
are you trying currently to get pregnant? and soon?
i do agree and believe that a TNF plus another adjunct med helps each other work better. but if you really want to conceive, it's time to do some serious planning.
a combo of meds can make a world of difference, but you seem like you have higher issues to think over first.
would you consider switching to another TNF alone without the MTX? and see what happens? i forget, do you have RA? i could be wrong but i thought you have CD as well?
i feel like you're making a good decision with trying a new TNF...you never know!
i wish you THE BEST! i wish things were easier too.