Dear Mark,
Much luck to you with the Ultram. I know many folks get adequate pain relief from it.
I'm trying to understand, but what is up with your immune system again? Is it overactive or are you immunosuppressed?
Some personal story with regards to the Ultram: I was taking them for joint pain along with Soma (for muscular pain as well) in 2002. Was terribly nauseous from the Ultram, but turns out I'm allergic to the tramadol comound that was in it...and I had Crohns (but didn't know), so the drug in itself was out of the question.(Ultrams, Ultracets...) I bled from it too (rectally) so if you have UC just be careful and "watchful" I suppose.
I know how bad it is when you have to run the gammet on all these meds & the pain is still not controlled.
You take care.