The other night I fell asleep on the couch, not the first time, but this time I fell off. Just my upper body fell off, face forward, I woke in excruciating pain and tried to lift myself back onto the couch, or roll off at least. No such luck, my left arm was numb from the shoulder down, kinda like feeling all swollen up and thick, wouldn't handle any weight. The same for my legs, I could see them like I must have been sitting up when I fell asleep and just my upper body laying down on the couch. I could see my legs, but they also felt numb and wouldn't bear any weight. I could see them flopping around, folding at the ankle when I tried to use them to lever myself into a better position. This was the scariest thing I ever went through.
After trying and trying to move myself my left arm finally got feeling back, just like that, no tingling or antsy feeling as when they fall asleep and wake back up. Both arms hurt like the place no one wants to go , but I could use them again to lever myself back onto the couch, at least the upper body. It took a lot longer to get feeling back into my legs. I still have a swollen eye from the experience where it was lying on the edge of my crafts basket. I had my left leg go numb at times, and my left arm, but never both legs and one arm at the same time.
I'm seeing a neurosurgeon in May, but I fear that particular one will just give me the 'there is nothing wrong enough to need surgery' line. I have Ostheo Arthritis in the spine and am in constant pain, my GP is more worried about what the medical board might say than about my pain treatment. All my specialists tell me that only surgery will help so they wont even see me anymore.
Please think about me on May 22nd so maybe this surgeon will not just brush me off again like he did last time I saw him in Nov. I do not want to end up in a wheelchair just because a doc rather deal with ppl who have good insurance instead of medicaid, and he is the only one here that takes it so I am stuck with him.
Tomorrow I'll have to call my GP to see if she'll Rx me some breakthrough painmeds, please think about me then too, I really need them. I am unable to even make a sandwich with the pain I'm in, well at least I'm loosing weight
Don't you all just hate being sick? I certainly do.