I had frozen shoulder in my rt shoulder about 2 years ago, and that was followed a year ago by carpal tunnel in both hands. It was severe, by the time I finally got all the referrals and testing, and I had carpal tunnel release done, first on my rt side, then on my left. Shortly before I had the carpal tunnel surgery, my left shoulder began to act as if it was also going to get frozen shoulder. I hoped it wouldn't, and continued with the carpal tunnel release surgery plans. I got a tremendous immediate relief when my rt hand was done, and while waiting a few weeks for the left hand, I developed a horribly painful case of "trigger thumb" on both hands. SIGH. I mean it HURT, BAD. So, after I had my left carpal tunnel, I went in and got a cortisone shot in my right thumb. Now it's been two weeks since the left carpal tunnel surgery and my doctor says it's ok to get the cortisone shot in my left thumb. In the time I have been waiting, my left thumb has completely froze straight, and I cannot move it. I have accidentally moved it a couple of times, and it stuck there and I had to pop it back myself, and it was a pain like you can't believe. The right hand's cortisone shot definitely took care of the trigger thumb issue there, so despite how painful the shot was (I'd rather have 100 surgeries than one single tendon sheath shot...) I look forward to the next cortisone shot and the relief it will hopefully bring.
My tests for RA have all come back negative. I don't know how it is that I keep getting these things like frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel and trigger thumb........ WHY, when all my bloodwork is completely normal? What other tests should I be asking for? Should I try to get a referral to a reumatologist? And orthopaedist? Where should I turn for answers? I am only 50 and otherwise in good health, not overweight at all, nor anything else.