I have been on Remicade infusions for about 8 months now. I have had a lot of relief from the infusions and have not had any problems with it until this last one (July 7th) - the problem is that the nurse apparently infiltrated the infusion early on and did not realize it and walked out to tend to other patients. Well thanks to the benedryl (that I do NOT want to take) that they make me take prior to the infusion hook up - I slept through the entire infusion. When I woke up - my arm felt so tight and I looked down at it and it was nearly as big as my thigh. I could tell that the nurse who came to unhook me was shocked, even worried (this was not the same nurse that hooked me up). She said something to the effect that it must have gone through my vein. She told me to go home and put heat on it immediately and if there were more problems then I should contact my doctor (by this time it is after 5 on a Friday). Well, I put heat on it and it did help the swelling by the next day. For the first few days after this particular infusion I was sick, sick, sick and could not keep anything in me to save my life and I had no arthritic relief. After that weekend, I called my doctor first thing Monday morning and they prescribed phenergan for me and me told to to wait 3 more days to see if the pain got any better. Well 4 days after that I called and thanked them for the phenergan and told them it helped a lot (nausea/vomitting) - and the pain was not the worst that I have ever had so I would try to go a few more days then call and give them an update after the weekend. I called them today to iform them that as of this past weekend the arthritis in my feet and hands, and nearly every other joint in my body is getting worse and I am incredibly tired - just little to no energy. This is not normal for me since I began Remicade about 8 months ago. I really do not feel like I got any relief from the infusion like I normally do.
Has anything like this happend to anyone else here?