chewy said...
I was diagnosed w/reiters aprox. 6 years ago. I suffer from most of the symptoms such as joint pain, (primarly in the hip region)urinary symptoms, eye infections and etc... For the most part all of these symptoms for me are tolerable, however for the past 5 years I've spent all my attention and money (LOL) concentrating on my daily headaches because to me daily headaches/migraines are with out a doubt the worst thing that I ever had to go through. Does anyone know if their is a link between the two? Can the arthritis hit the shoulders, neck or spine and cause headaches. Im currently seeking treatment for an atlas subluxation which means the first bone in my neck is dislocated and is compressing against my brainstem cuasing me all the FRUSTRATING PAIN! ANY FEEDBACK WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.....TY IN ADVANCE
Hello chewy,
I was diagnosed with reiter's syndrome. I should warn you that reiter's is an autoimmune disease that is very unpredictable.
I spent months convincing people that Reiter's "is primary not a chronic disease ", but only for 50% the sufferers (they resolves for 6 months and forgets about)
The other 50% of the sufferers suffer badly for months, even years and may go into another diagnosis like ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthrits or even rheumatoid arthritis ;( The statistics shows that about 20% of Reiter's sufferers goes into a chronic condition for life. I don't want to disappoint you, you may not be of that 20% percent. I just want to warn you!
I had prostatitis undiagnosed for 1 year. Currently one and a half year after, I still have some joint and eyes "discomfort", have left kidney pain, and occasinally abdomen aches. There was a big question marks about should I be diagnosed with crohn's disease or psoriatic arthritis or I should not be diagnosed with these diseses, but they prevents me from diagnosing yet because my symptoms are generally very mild and seems like slowly fades away, but only "seems"'s insidiously... ;(
Reiter's is different for everyone. I do have knee pain only, but others may have extensive joint affect. Mine is not even pain, only knee "discomfort", but I do have troubles with the eyes every day with no exclusions! Firstly I had conjuctivitis, then in addition - uveitis with eyes pain and getting tired staring at one spot and this 'kin kidney pain makes me crazy, it does not aches unbarable but it aches non-stop! Docs says chronic pyelonephritis. I also do have abdomen aches on various places, but bearable yet.
When I get eyes pain I feel like my head hurts, so it looks very similar to your migraines. I also get migraines and diziness sometimes but not that often as you described. My general problem is the subfebrile fever. It's about 99.1 avery day at the afternoon and I feel sick and tired. I had aches in my shoulder when I took antibiotics, but I felt them very "shallow" and they quickly goes away (godness). I had pain in my lower back and neck also. I treated 'em with "deep relief", "fastuum gel" or other local anti-inflamatories, it worked well for me. I cannot tell you if a neck neuro damage can cause headaches, when I think, possibly it can, but you should talk to a neurologist about that. about the last sentence of your posting - you should talk to a neurologist by all means.
What meds are you taking, what antibiotics have you taken / take?
Take care and keep in touch about your condition, Talk to your docs and write a topic here again about what they said and prescriped. I'm sure this is the best place you can get and share help and support - healingwell. I'm sure that some1 else can give you more info about your concrete question about the neck subluxation.