RZ said...
Hello Marius,
I'm replaying to you because when I was reading your post, it was as if it was written by me, same exact (mild) symptoms (intestine, eyes, back, kidney, knee & maybe hart) & sequence , however I didn't have low grade fever but the first month or two I was suffering from a feeling of hot upper head after 3 hours from eating that no doctor was able to explain, I took 3 antibiotics courses each 20 days that I recover fully by the end of the course then relapse & start all over again, unfortunately I developed food sensitivity that limited my food intake greatly
I found Specific Carbohydrate Diet to be helpful (avoid trigger)
Also I use Boswellia Extract that I think is helping (controls immune system as effective as medications) http://www.fourfoldhealing.com/Boswellia.htm
now, assuming it is any of these overlapping conditions (Crohn's, Reactive arthritis or Ankylosing Spondylitis) all of it are Autoimmune diseases thus I didn't try any immune system stimulants (Yet)
I would like to know your progress with the immune enhancement path - hopefully to the better
I also research allot of new treatments in this direction like Low Dose Naltrexone http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/
or Marshall Protocol http://www.marshallprotocol.com
hopefully someone can confirm it's benefits for our condition.
Wow Raoul,
It seems like we do really share quite same path. Especially reading this about tha Natrexone I've been reading it too. Yes it's alternative approach. I don't have GI issues now..... godness, they realy passed away (at least for now), but when I had them I payed much attention to the LDN. Well I'm doing great 4 now. Mild discomfort in the right knee, dunno if it is because of current AI process or just the knee is maybe a bit damaged, however take glucosamine for that, hope it will fix it.
I take only natural products, aloe vera, prevoiusly have taken herbs for the IS support... however - all natural, never used other medications except Vitamins. Specially for the aloe vera extract they say that it increases the cellular activity or smth like that. The wonder is that it is written on the label that it is not recommended for people with IBD, but it worked fine for me ( do I have or don't have IBD dunno so far). I also have taken probiotics and an yogurt a day. The last verison of the GI doc was that I had intestinal flora disbalance because of the garlic, but I don't fully trust doctors. Always keep in mind that I may have IBD in remission.
But beware with those grondmother's prescriptions because a same grondmother's prescription with too much scalded garlic brought me the GI problems during the summer....so beware, if you try something put yr self on a trial, with a low dose first, to see how it acts, then increase.... and...
ya know... just carefull, moreover yo know everything works different on different people.
Mhm... how did the things start for you? If you want write yr story in new topic because this topic is for Costas answers, not for ours conversation (i think).