Oh snap! How the heck did you do that???? You make one fine cup o' cocoa.
So yeah....moanin' ya'll. We had SNOW!!!!
yalinda, I don't know if it was just the bright colors or your pleasant post, but it made me happy. thanx.
I hope everyone is hanging in there.
I'm very happy I schlepped myself off to my honey's this weekend. It did a world of good. Yes, still very insecure body-wise, butin all...feeling brighter & a little happier. Being stuck in the same room day in and day out? Ugh...I wanted to throw myself out the window. (Too bad it's only a 4 foot drop )
I do think that @ least 1 pound of weight has come off my legs...I can tell by my lower legs & thighs a little.
Still, 10 needs to come off. Having any extra weight on makes it extremely difficult to walk.
Of course my docs are going to think I'm crazy because they want to see me at like 125 lbs. But truthfully, I don't think I can carry it. If it were muscle yeah sure....but not this crazy steroid crap.
Wishing all a good day. Rest up, enjoy some football, stay warm.
And thanks to everyone who has been there for me during this really hard time. {{{{{{{{{ big hug }}}}}}}}}}}