Dear babybloo,
I do not have any good answers for you - but just rather wanted to extend to you my prayers and hopes that you'll feel better soon, get the right med combination that you need and that helps you the best. I also wanted to ask you a question, as I know what you are dealing with and it has to be SO frustrating for you...I can really hear the despair in the words you type - but you did say that this "flare" has been going on for you for a year now. That is an incredibly long time to be hurting this way. I was wondering, could you describe your symptoms of your flare to me? I am the one who is in medical diagnosis "limbo" and I really am convinced this is a Rheumatoid Arthritis type of flare that I'm in. But I'm not sure about my own symptoms. I have never exerpienced them before, they are burning hot to touch knees that ache so bad I want to scream, fingers that are pretty much frozen stiff in a curled up position that ache and throb and pulsate in the center joints, and then my feet...same thing, swollen, hot, but yet the tips are frozen cold, they feel like bricks of ice.
Are any of these the same thing you experience? Add to the list the muscle aches from other parts of my body, namely my back and chest, that are compensating for the hurting parts. It's real fun, eh?
Again, I sure hope you get to feeling better and that you finally get a doc who cares and will put you on the right combo of meds. It's really unfair!
Thanks Babybloo, God bless you too,
P.S. I came back to add this question, as the more research I do, the more questions I have. I looked up "Systemic Inflammatory Arthritis" and the definition is Rheumatoid Arthritis! So for 2 years, I've been thinking I didn't have it, but have been told I had SIA, and now I look it up (dont know what prompted me to, mainly curiosity) and lo and behold - I DO have it!
My question is when they put you on these DMARD type medications, does that actually halt the disease or does it slow it down and if so for how long? I guess each person will react differently to the medications. And lastly, have you tried any of those type meds before Babybloo? If so, what have you tried and what was your experience with it? Sorry for all my ??s but enquiring minds wanna know! LOL Many many heartfelt thanks.