I have been taking Humira and Methotrexate for a couple of months. Over the last week I have been experiencing extreme leg pain/fatigue. Even my hips hurt so bad I can't stand for very long. I am only 31 years old:( ?? I am feeling extremely discouraged because for the first time in my life I am feeling like I have no choice in my limitations right now. THe weakness and exhaustion are overwhelming. Oh, the main thing that I wanted to ask is that I am having these little red spots pop up randomely over my body. I have one on my neck on the front, one on the back of the neck, one on my inner thigh and one on my back. They are weird little red circles that sort of turm whitsh and fade away after a few days. Has anyone ever delt with any of these symptoms or heard of the red spots? What could they be?
THank you