Hi all,
hope you are ok. I have AS and received my first infusion of remicade in feb (for crohns) happily it TOTALLY got rid of my back pain and i was amazed and over the moon. I had been suffering so badly for so long i didn't know what to do with myself.
After about 5/6 weeks it started to wear off...not majorly but the pain was back...pardon the pun! I had my second infusion at 7 weeks (about 2/3 weeks ago)and i am already feeling the pain come back.
In your experience, how long has it taken for you?....does the benefit get shorter each time?? I am not on anything else with the remicade, just a steroid shot at the time. My docs are trying to get me on methotrexate as well as they say it prolongs it but i'm scared of the fertility issues surrounding it....too scared to go on it.
I'm in the UK and we don't have Humira here so i am terrified of the thought of the pain coming back as there is nothing left for me if this stops working.
Would really appreciate hearing your experiences with it
Lise :o)