I am a 27year old woman. Until this past January, I have never had a history of this type of pain or any other chronic health problems. . I am currently on no medication except for muscle relaxers to deal with this pain. The following is a general list of discomfort I have been experiencing:
-The left ball of my left foot aches constantly.
-The inside of my right knee: hurts while bending and sometimes while its straight when I lay down.
-Both hips are just sore and tight, but loosen as the day goes on. Hurts to put weight on them.
-My mid back - it hurts to take a deep breath - feels like all the muscles attached to my rib bones are too small and can't reach where they should.
-My upper arm muscles - triceps? can't reach behind me, hurts to raise my arm, to lift things, hurts to lean on anything with them (cant sleep on side comfortably)
-Neck - generally tight, can't turn head to shoulder
Is it possible that I mat be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis??Are these the symptoms for arthritis??I was surfing on the net recently to know about
some medication against Rheumatoid arithritis,I found that
Depen Penamine is used to treat severe Rheumatoid Arthritis??? If anyone out there can answer this I would deeply appreciate it.Before I go further and approach my Dr.