I am 32 years old and I was diagnosed with RA about 8 or 9 years ago. at the very beginning it was really bad but somehow for a couple of years it went away and i
did not have any flare ups. I just recently had a baby and my doctor told me that because of the pregnancy and all the changes the body goes through. my RA came back. Really bad.
Talk about being depressed I could not hold my baby, I couldn't even give him the bottle ,, i was too heavy.
So i had to go on medication whichmeant i had to stop breastfeeding. I had already gone back to my pre pregnancy weight but they put me on presnisone which made gain weight and i got the "moon face" which according to my doctor is just a cosmetic side effect. All of these factors together just depressed the life out of me.
I am working really hard on losing all the weight,
Anyways, i joined this forum because I was put on Methrotrexate and I wanted to ask people who have been taking it for awhile what are the main changes they have seen. negative or positive. PLease i just want to know what i am getting into. I have already read ,medical information buti want real life experience information.