By "this", I mean Sjogren's, of course. I have noticed for years, that after I brush my teeth, I feel thirsty. Is it because I am removing the saliva from my mouth? Do others have the same experience? When I was in college (20+ years ago) to study singing, the teachers all told us to have water to drink to keep our voices lubricated. I always noticed that during/after singing or reading aloud, I get thirsty & need to drink something.
I never really thought that the Sjogren's affected my mouth, just my eyes, and I have only been dxed for a short time. But the other night when I brushed my teeth, I made a connection like, "Duh! Maybe this is why I always feel thirsty after I brush my teeth!" If this is the case then I may have had Sjogren's for a long long time without knowing about it.
I have seen others talk about a toothpaste called Biotene- does this actualy help? Is it OTC or prescription? Thanks!