Hello Imp 36
Thankyou for making contact with me. I am sorry that you are having so much pain. Over the weekend I to have had a flare up of pain in most of my joints, which has kept me awake, due to my joints burning and becoming stiff when I am warm in bed.
Like you, I had been treated separatley for different problems, it was only when I went to the dentist for a routine check that I mentioned my sore and dry mouth that she mentioned S.S. I then also had a routine blood test which came back weakly positve with Lupus. I was then reffered toRheumatologise. Lip biopsy was done and diagnosis confirmed. I am due to start anti malarial medication soon. and will be going to physio on thursday for physio on my neck which is particlarly painful.
Are you able to tall me if this condition allows you to be registered disabled, as I am having increased difficulty in carrying shopping etc, I also have problems parking outside my house, carring my shopping down the street to my house is very painful.
Do you also know if S.S is hereditory?