Saw my dentist the other day, and she mentioned it looked like I was developing "dry tongue". Made sense because my dry mouth problems have recently gotten much worse. I literally have to pry my tongue from the roof of my mouth in the morning - there's simply no moisture in my mouth. (And I'm not really a mouth breather).
Dentist gave me some samples of "Xylimelts". They are made from Xylitol - a sweetener that is supposed to actually deter dental caries, and are in many sugarless gums. (However, most sugarless gum has only a small amount of Xylitol, and is mostly sweetened with Sorbitol and aspartame, etc).
Anyhoo - I've tried Biotene and other brands of mouth wash and toothpaste without much success. I was thrilled with the results of the Xylimelts. They are small disks that you place in your mouth between the gum and cheek. One side kind of "adheres" to the gum surface and keeps it from moving all around. The directions say to apply 2 disks before bed. I only used one and the relief was quite noticeable. The disc had dissolved by morning, and my mouth felt soooo much better. They can be used during the day as well, without interfering with talking, drinking, etc.
The brochure says they are available at Rite Aid drugstores (as of March 2013) but they can also be ordered from Amazon. I've also been having some esophageal problems, so will check with my Gastroenterologist before ordering any quantity, but after two nights, I'm sold and very happy with the ease of use and especially the very positive result. Just wanted to share with other folks suffering with dry mouth - it was a product I was not aware of.