Welcome to our forum LindaFHL! Wow, you certainly have had a rough time. I'm so sorry. I have lots of GI problems, but before I forget you need to try Align. It's over the counter (OTC) and both my gastroenterologist and my internist told me to take it. It's the only probiotic on the market that has had two studies published in medical journals that show proof of efficacy. It's expensive so first I tried a generic substitute and it didn't work. Then I bought Align and my diarrhea, which I had for over a year, stopped in two weeks.
Next, Questran stops diarrhea by binding you up, but it also binds to all your medications causing them to stop working. I learned this the hard way.
I've been hospitalized twice with bowel obstructions (the first time I vomited so much that I was vomiting stool), but thank God both ended up being partial obstructions and resolved with hospital care. I've also had GI surgery because my gastric bypass closed up and was fed total nutrition thru a pic line for a year. Just saying Linda, I really understand.
Lupus is my primary autoimmune disease and Sjogren's is secondary, but I have many Sjogren's symptoms. I've been seeing a psychiatrist for years and he has helped me with my major depressive disorder and anxiety. I don't understand how anyone can have our problems and not have anxiety.
Please let us know how you're doing and feel free to vent anytime. Love, Butterflake