Rheumatology referral physician (fellow resident and attending at Vandy) do not believe I have Sjogren's. But I am still experiencing very dry mouth, lips, some mild/moderate eyes. The long list of blood and urine labs came back negative and that, along with physical examination, still showing pooling of saliva and no redness or inflammation of joints led to the non auto-immune disease diagnosis. That is a good report. However, I have stopped one medication and still have the dry symptoms. It's so bad that food is now bread/sandwich feels like it's stuck in dry throat. I am eating ACT mints, smart mouth dry mouth gum, OraCoat mints at night, biotene toothpaste, biotene rinse and drinking water all the time. I've lost appetite. GI and Rheumatologist now have told me to go to ENT for the mucus lump feeling in my throat. Everyone is sending me to someone else?