Sukay Im feeling a lot better , Im just battling still to sleep properly so ill go back onto Rivotril for a bit , and although im calmer , i I now find I have to deal seriously with boredom .... I dont work
.... we live in a very remote area so going to work is problematic because of distance , so I need to deal with that , but im finding it easier to focus , so im giving myself a bit more time then its time to make decisions . I find that I can now make proper rational decisions which is fun :) before I would impulsivly do the first thing that came along
Improving my quality of life is starting to become important , stopping smoking , better eating, more excersise etc ....
I had to laugh at my Pdoc when he heard of my smoking habit .. he was horrifed and says "now i need medication " the stopping smoking tho I have to do under his supervison and only only once he is happy with me.
And of course I now have to learn who I am .. great fun at 46 ... its like starting a new life almost .