(((((hugs))))) i'm glad that your party was such a big success. congratulations! and then some! you might have made as much as if you saved one of those 75-yr-old pieces and sold it at an antique auction. and you never had to dust it, either!
i would suspect (and i don't think it takes a brain surgeon to guess this) that the party probably triggered your mania. i know that it happens to me from time to time. up before 6:00 AM? you were swinging from the chandeliers! lol but it sounds as if you handled it like a trooper.
i actually never made it to the middle east. i did a project for the Egyptians about 25 yrs ago and another one for the saudi's about 35 yrs ago. i was offered to develop a data handling system for the egyptians sometime around that period, but decided to do a stint in computer security instead. then i was hired to finish implementation of a landsat operation in saudi arabia and, when i was honest enough to use the code "have the saudi's changed their personnel policy?" this is a way of saying that the applicant is Jewish and will the host country allow that person in especially as a high ranking manager. my employer failed to grasp the full implications of my statement. so they had me do the data handling systems for the space station instead. would love to visit egypt, particularly. made some good friends when i was developing that system for them yrs ago. never happen now. oh well. life goes on.
once again, i'm SO pleased with your party winnings. take care of yourself. that world can turn on a dime.