I agree with missflip. Since you are getting re-evaluated this is the PERFECT time to bring up this issue.
When they ask you how you are doing, you can start with something like.....well the issue that is giving me the hardest time right now is........
I think the doctor will know why you haven't told anyone this. Sadly, most people who are molested or abused have a very difficult time telling/trusting other people with their experience until years later. I am glad that you are finally trying to bring this out into the open and deal with it so you can start the healing process. This could be an excellent time to discuss your relationship with your mother as well and why you feel you cannot confide in her.
Oh, I also agree that you need to stay away from your friends house! It is not healthy for you and this man has serious problems of his own. And yes, something needs to be done about him. Who will he hurt next?
I wish you all the best!!!! I really hope you bring this up at your next appointment.