Hi.. I went off Lamictal recently. I took my time (it worked for me) but was forced off of it due to financial issues. Right now I am taking neurontin for an anti-seizure instead. (Also lithium and just started Wellbutrin.)
My old doc made sure I was stable on any alternate meds prior to removing one. This worked for me. Now I have new doc (money again) and I had to force him into a similar scenerio just last week when I went on Wellbutrin while he wanted to reduce lithium. We did both.
We are trying to find inexpensive meds so most of the good stuff isn't available to me.
Well, me, me, me.... what I really want to say is go off of it slowly (you already know this) and of course look for a substitute.
If you are shaking before the Lamictal, maybe it is actually helping to calm that. Maybe. I don't think taking only Lamictal will be a cure-all for any bipolar. Need more stuff!!
Coming off any med is the worst. I have a few horror stories of my own, which is why I reduced my Lamictal dose over a period of a month. I go slow when increasing or decreasing a med. My old doc was a stickler about this.
I don't know if I helped you or not. I think I probably stated what you already know. Just my two cents. Good luck. Maryann