For Joxster1970: Oh dear: I wasted about
twelve years of my life on a BiPolar Man who drank, didn't seek professional help, blamed me for everything, cheated, gave me STD's, embarassed me socially, was emotionally abusive, unstable and mean. It left a tremendous hole in my heart and I had a hard time connecting with Healthy partners for a long time. I went to a support group for Co-dependents because I truely was, addicted to this man and his abusive behavior. I had to read all Melody Beattie's books on Co-dependency. I listened to Jimmy Rankin's song about
"it doesn't work like that". Basically he was saying, after leaving someone and going out and being wild, well, it doesn't work like that. You don't get to slither back in and take up where you left off. Two people required to make a relationship, one leaves. no relationship. Now you move on. It's hard. I reccomend you get busy, volunteer to help the more unfortunate. Take guitar lessons, learn to paint, draw, whatever. Replace unhealty time spent with healthy time spent. Weve got your back. Take care of you.