I'm so sorry to hear that. How long have you been together? I personally am BiPolar and had about
two dozen relationship partners over my life. I am over fifty now, an don't even try anymore. BiPolar partners can't trust themselves to be and feel the same from day to day. So it's doubly hard to have a partner who has comitted him or her self to the relationship when the BiPolar's experiencing shifts in mood and behavior. He might be trying to protect you from his pathos.I often left relationships before to much time had passed feeling I was doing the other partner "รค favor". Sometimes a BiPolar feels so dark inside they want to be alone there, and not have to struggle through the blackness to maintain the status quo. Does this make any sense. When I have to force myself to push aside the blackness to function on any level, I get tremendous anxiety. Anxiety is the absolute worst feeling of all. There is no peace, no place to go, it's like standing out on the roadside all alone with no destination. Hope you can get through this intact. Sometimes relationship counselling can help. If for example you had a "safe"word your partner could use when he needed to isolate for a bit, you could help him by not demanding anything until he was able to rejoin the world.