wife said she is divorcing me..... I am a brand new member from internet search looking for someone to talk at. husband of bp wife-- diagnosed, 19 yrs married. She has been on meds in past, but she is very defensive about
condition and won't tell me when she is off or on meds/what kind. She has gotten progressively worse. she is intolerable during PMS time, almost intolerably sweet at other times. the issue today is that i work out at lunch with girls from work --- it's actually mostly guys, and it is a public gym. No affairs, no going out after work, no personal phone calls... nothing. She gave me an ultimatum, to not workout with them, and I told her "no." I have two teenagers that will be destroyed if she goes through with it.. I would let her go if it wasn't for them.
I just needed to talk, nobody else that i can discuss this with. I don't know what to do, but i guess there isn't too much i can do. The second she starts her period, she will back off...although she may have contacted a lawyer today. The mean side of me wants to get back at her by filing myself--- I wont do it for my kids sake. This makes me so sad--- we are successful and have wonderful kids, these should be fun days.
This helped a little. I always interesting to see what person she is when i get home--- hope she hasnt terrorized the kids too much.