Hi Starlight1. I just read your post. I too had to make the dr appts for my bp husband. He was in agreement that I do this, but when it came time to actually go, he was annoyed, but went. He even went to the follow-up appt by HIMSELF with his GP to discuss how he's doing on the new meds. He shared with me that he told the dr he had had another angry episode. I thought to myself, which one?
So far he's cooperating, but I have yet to get him to schedule an appt with a therapist. They call me to schedule, but without input from him on when he's available, I can't schedule so I am still just waiting for him to see the p-doc- he has rescheduled TWICE!!!!!!! Ugh! I too have another husband-child.
Like you, I have had to "fix" the financial messes he gets us into. Seriously, it's tiring! I'm exhausted and wish I didn't have to deal with it all, but here I am. Very bitter.