Thank you for replying so quickly and being so helpful. I do have some questions. I have a very erratic and unreasonable sleep schedule, mostly being I'm up past 3 am and sleep til past 2 PM. I never feel like I'm getting any sleep as I dream very very very vividly. I could tell you stories of the dreams as they seem to last for hours like a movie. I used to take nite time cold meds to sleep well, before I knew about
the BP, but I know thats unhealthy and probably addictive. I'm on a whole different clock from everyone I am around and its not going well for me anymore.
Then there's my "overactive imagination." I say that, because when I imagine something, I'm actually able to see it, as if I were dreaming it up. Is this normal for BP? I mean, I'm obviously able to tell that I made it up and that its not real at all, but I worry that there will be time when I'm unable to distinguish pretend from reality. I think I do it to keep myself company, since I don't keep many friends for long. (They really don't understand and just think I should "get over it" ) I feel so out of place, and I came here, hoping people would understand.
I used to be on a med called... symbrax? But I gained a whole lot of weight. Other than that i think it was working fairly well. My cycles are normally managable, but manic is apparently really annoying for anyone around me. My dad who has bipolar reccommends that I stay awat from caffinee? I know I have a lot of questions, and I apologise. I'm curious about it all, and just really lost on what to do.