the mystery of me! There have been times in my life that my world was a dark place, which has inspired my writing. I do not have pitty for myself because I am better for all of my life good and bad. I have experienced the most facinating people. For everyone I have met has touched my heart in some way. I believe life holds beauty. It is up to us to guide our selves through this world. The path I take is a mystery to most. People sometimes wonder how I am here. I am STRONG this is my reply. I believe you can let life beat you down or you can accept where you will guide your future. The past is just that, your future is so much more. Our life experiences may be soo much worst than others, but embrace the fact you are in control of tomorrow. Don't let your memories hold you back. Get control of today, guide yourself for tomorrow. Get away from evil, live for today, plan tomorrow, and pray. God, has gotten me threw my heartaches. My determination has led me to a better life and moral reasoning has helped me recreate my future who I want to be. I have learned to forgive myself for mistakes that I have made, to forgive others for the mistakes they made. I have learned to triumpth through my pain, without hate. I have also learned to forgive the sick because sometimes the world is so dark for them they become helpless and inflict so much pain. I have learned it's ok to feel sorry for them. I have also learned it's ok to walk away. Sometimes we have no choice. We must live without hate if we want a better life. So simply forgive whomever forgot to treat you right. Look inside your heart don't give up on life it's not that dark. When you reach hard times remember you can recover from it, as this will not last. Your smile is the beauty of today it will bring you happiness tomorrow. Look for life's beauty not it's pain. Always remember who you are, where you once was, who you plan to become, and where you want to go. Hold your dreams high, your standards even higher, settle for nothing less than you deserve. There is always tomorrow. This is the mystery of me!!!