Hey cateyes, sometimes the pain we feel hits us all at once and it seems like nothing will ever be right in the world again. But we do get better and have better days and better months and even better years ahead of us. Yes your children have challenges ahead of them, but you know what, they are lucky they have a mom who understand what BP is and how it affects people. Many people on here have family members who do not accept the BP condition. You have the inside track to help them.
And you know what, you could have been completely normal in every way and still had children with this problem. Then you wouldnt have the knowage of BP and how it affects you.
I'm not religious, but i am very deeply spritual. I do believe we were put on this earth for a reason. We each have a road to walk, a path to follow, and at times yours is going to be harder than mine, and at times mine will be harder than yours. That is the nature of who we are and what we are. So along the way we pickup friends,, lovers, (in my case puppy's) to help us on the road. You have been blessed with emotiones that run so much deeper than normal people will ever feel. However they come at a steep price, and lets just say the instruction book on this thing called BP was lost a long time ago. So we make our way the best that we can. Mourn the loses, celebrate the victories. Just like normal people do.
Yes you are BP, but the cateyes i know is also so much more than that. She is a beautiful lady, wonderful mother, great online friend, and im sure a wonder SO. You have made past mistakes, learn from them, grow from them, and try not to make the same mistake again. And if you do, get up, dust yourself off, and try your darnedest again.
In the end, our lives arnt about
the destinations that we reach, it is all about
the journeys that we take to get to them. All the great religious teachers understood that the journey was what was important. And you will be a great teacher for your children becasue you have walked this wilderness and have found your way home. And you can teach them the way.
All the hugs i can legally give you by law.