Thanks for the welcome everyone! Well, naturally I am studying psychology
What better way to get a handle on what's goin on in the noggin, eh? Really, though, I'm working on finishing a certificate to be a mental health worker. I've been through a lot and I think the best thing is to try and help others who are going through or have been through similar situations. It's a pretty neat. The program
"prepares students to serve emotionally, cognitively, and developmentally challenged clients in community facility settings that provide therapeutic intervention, rehabilitation, and recovery services". As for the music, I'm sorta going through a rut in that area. I used to do it professionally... playing in bands, recording albums, etc... but struggling with my illness has made it difficult to be reliable. I started out playing the piano when I was very young and have picked up various other instruments over the years. In bands I usually ended up as the bass player. All types of music... the first two bands I was in were flamenco and funk, the last two were ska and heavy metal with everything in between
I have always and always will play the piano as my personal therapy. I've gone through long periods of not sitting down at it and that's when I know I'm really depressed, but whenever I get back onto it I realize why it was that I was so depressed.
Thanks again for the welcome. I'm off to my abnormal psychology class right now... last week we were discussing mood disorders... go figure...