Well, I'm just wondering this. When you have your appt every week are you telling them the whole unbiased truth of what you are doing and how you feel?
That you have to get away from yourself, think that going to Paris is the only short term answer at this point, use wine when necessary to cope.
Its natural for you to feel insulted. You're in a bit of denial.
Remember, you are taking medicine to combat the depression but then tossing the greatest depressant right on top of it. Meds don't work well in that case.
We've all been there to one extent or another. Are not picking on you. Want you to avoid some pitfalls that hinder your recovery.
See you as a beautiful young soul with a better future than a past.
That you have always felt this miserable doesn't mean that you are just a miserable person. The whole point is that you do want to feel better and are seeking treatment. So far haven't found the way. Its there somewhere, will take more work and trying different things.
And being
open to suggestion. You can do it now or do it later. But its you that have the final say so here.
We respect that. Sometimes we shout, get out of breath, and feel that you won't hear us. We understand where you're at and offering the best advice we can.
You can't beat experience.
Post Edited (Trying to Understand) : 10/5/2010 7:46:04 PM (GMT-6)