My wife is BP/mixed cycle & can sometimes take things completely out of context & next thing you know there is an episode brewing. It's hard on the spouce of a BP person to know how to handle different situations, because you never know how they are going to react. On a different day, she may have just given you an oops, sorry & moved on.
I don't think you overreacted at all, as long as you did it in a calm & respectful way to just give as an FYI & not as a scolding. But, even something given & delivered with good intentions can be taken wrong when they aren't really thinking strait. Hopefully your wife will realize that you were just trying to give information, not place blame & take it for how it was meant. Mine will sometimes come back a little while later & apologize for going off, then she is receptive to what I have to say & I can explaine what my intentions were. Hope things start looking up for you. Please make sure to come here to vent, or get advice if you need to. It really helps to talk it out with people who understand & have actually went thru it.