I felt the same way. I felt half alive I just didn't realize it until he was gone. So much has been lifted off my shoulder I can't even explain it. I feel I was just giving & giving & not getting anything in return. My family & friends tell me that I am an amazing mom & I was a wonderful loving wife. And I know I did my best with my husband, there are just some things we can't control & are totally out of our hands.
I have been married for 9 yrs (2yrs ago my husband was diagnosed) I started seeing changes when my 3rd baby was born she was born with a huge deformity & required major surgery at 6 months old. It was a very stressful & scary situation for us. Then about 3 weeks after my daughter's surgery I found out I was expecting again. We were told that I had less than 1% chance of having a baby with the same deformity. We did testing while preganant & again we were told our baby was perfect. Well the day came when he was born......I surprise the exact same deformity! He also underwent Major surgery at 6 months old. So it hasn't been an easy journey for us. I know we all handle stress different ways.
I thought that was my husband's problem, being overwhelmed with everything. But it turned out to be BP1 mix, which is the worst BP ever.
I have 4 children my second one has autism. So I have 3 children with disabilities. It is NOT easy, but I am blessed & grateful to be their mommy.
I feel so at peace not to worry about my husband, it's easier to take care of a sick child vs. taking care of a sick Adult.
This is why him leaving has been an eye opener for me. I was putting more energy on him than my children or myself.
My babies need me so much, I need to be healthy & stress free. I am still very young (34yrs old) so I can move on.
Hope the best for you.
Take care.
Post Edited (mt4) : 4/30/2011 12:14:57 PM (GMT-6)