Caren, im glad god helped you. FOr me it was buddism and lots of self reflection and soul searching. But i in no way feel like i am "healed" of it. I tend to think of it as under control. But that devil is still in there and it thrives on ignorance and inattention.
Ill quote thomas Jefferson when he was asked about slavery, and i feel the analogy is the same for BP. He said "its like having a wolf by the ears, you dont like it but you dont dare let it go"
I allways run a systems check on myself each and every day. BP is a desease that waits for you to think its gone, to not pay any attention, then it bites you in the rear. LOL LOL LOL
But i will accept anyway you find peace. Because peace is so hard to find, but once you do you never want to lose it again.