Cure, not sure we are ever cured more like getting stable. We will always have this ,if this (Bipolar) is your true dx. Meds help to keep us stable or get us closer to that point. There is no cure. about
having racing thought, what i experience is like 1 million thoughts per minute. Can't seem to stop thinking. Also like having conversations in my own head, yes I do that always have. Not sure what you mean when you say repeat the words in your head when reading.. i really thought was like processing the information when reading, although not everyone does that, I don't think. Your pdoc just said you had racing thought no other dx. Maybe you should see him/ her and ask for a better dx. If you want a more accurate dx. I used to take 1500mg o depakote, I just hated the weight gain, but it is good for the treatment of Bipolar with an anti-depressant . I hope this helps. I am Bipolar , rapid cycler and I have racing thought all the time. When i have quite a bit of stress it complicates my racing thoughts and everything else that goes with BP. I don't hear things though like in my head, at least i don't think I do. I have however seen s***, yikes that is scary. Usually it is just shadows, weird experience. Welcome by the way. Nickie