I understand that your wife was diagnosed as having bipolar and was taking medication for this disorder until 8 months ago. Is that right? How long was she taking the medication? Have you been married for 6 years (your daughter is 5) or more? When was she first diagnosed? What kind of therapy was in play? I have bipolar and see a nurse practitioner for medication management only. Appointments are anywhere from 4 weeks to 8 weeks depending on my condition. Med management is sufficient while a person is stable. A counselor or therapist give different types of treatment.
I realize you love your wife very much. What I can see is your love is greater than your hurt !
If I was your wife what would I be saying about
you? If I were a judge in custody court what PROOF would you present to me as to why you should get custody of your child. In a courtroom accusations don't mean diddly. It is provable facts that count. Having a mental illness is not proof of inability to parent a child. I am playing devil's advocate here. I am not implying you are not the better parent. I would be interested in finding out what your wife would tell her lawyer. Does she have the ability to support your daughter if you paid reasonable child support? Is she employed or at least employable? Can she try and tell the court your daughter is better with her instead of in Child Care while you work?
I have recently joined this group and have my own post MOM AND DAUGHTER ARE BOTH BIPOLAR. My daughter definitely went 'off the deep end' two months ago. I am living what you are going through. (well it is kind of different parent vs spouse) but, our situation does not involve a small defenseless child. If your wife has not been taking care of your daughter all this time maybe she can be encouraged to send her back to you so she can continue to be "FREE" of the responsibility. This is not a you are bad, I am good situation. This is not right or wrong. This is I love my daughter more than my wife and want her to be in a healthy living situation. You might consider saying something like "I know you have felt burdened with our marriage. What about
'baby girl' stays with me while we sort out our marriage issues." No talk of medication, you are wrong, you are unfit... nothing ... Just letting you get your daughter in a safe place for the time being. Under those conditions you could give lots and lots of visitation as long as 'baby girl' is not in any danger.
May I suggest you keep your eye on the ball.... WHAT IS BEST FOR YOUR DAUGHTER. If it is best for your daughter to stay with your in-laws until a better arrangement can be arranged go for it. Again, no right, no wrong. Just what is best for my daughter.
Please forgive me if I have been too blunt.
Bipolar Mom